Friday, February 17, 2012

It's a Mystery! And we're okay with that.

Found this on facebook yesterday. 

This post is between two of the teens that are part of TFC. This summer we're taking three mission trips. One to Mississippi, one to Colorado, and one...that we don't know about yet. Originally we were going to Mexico, but after praying about it we've decided God wanted us to go somewhere else. We don't know where yet, but have labeled this trip as the 'Mystery Trip' and sent out the acceptance letters a few days ago. This is their response. 

I read this and just had to smile. You know why? Because I know that a big reason why these guys have such a solid faith is because of TFC. Now, I know that their parents play a huge role in this as well, but it's because of TFC that they learned the lesson of following God even when they don't know what's happening. I went on a mission trip with them last year and we learned that lesson hugely through several van break downs, and other un-expected turn of events. And I'm so glad I work with a ministry that gives them another chance to experience what it means to follow God wholeheartedly. 

I am so honored to work with a ministry that has kids like this in it. My prayer is that God will continue to work through us to make more disciples of Him!