Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Who Wants to Grow Up?

Broomball. I've never seen it officially played. I'm guessing there's rules, equipment, refs...like I said, I've never watched a real game. But for the past three years my friends and I have gotten together and played our own version. 

Today it was 50 degrees. Our pond is just across the road from our house. It felt a bit slushy, but since it's only at max two feet deep I figured we'd survive. We had four brooms, four golf clubs, and an oar. The ball was something we grabbed out of the toy box. Goals were made out of small branches. Unorthodox, probably. Hilarious, yes. Because it was so warm, puddles formed wherever there was a lot of action. I was goalie and ended up standing in like two inches of water. That and the frequent creaking and cracking of the ice caused me to wonder how long I was going to last standing on the surface of the ice. Also, the job of goalie gets a little old after awhile...and since I had so much water around, I spent more time sweeping water at people than guarding the goal. Maybe that's why there was so much water...friction? hm...

Anyway, the layer of water caused the pond to be super slick. People fell and got up soaked. I stayed fairly dry...until I got chased down, drug over to the wettest part by my ankles and pushed down...Have I mentioned I love my friends? :) 

Regardless, I've decided playing broomball in 50 degree weather with some wonderful people is one of the funnest things ever. :)

Monday, December 20, 2010

So Long Self

One of my favorite books is The Cubicle Next Door. If you haven't read it...and you're a girl I highly recommend it. If you're a guy and like happy bubbly, hilarious, romantically cheesy books, I also highly recommend it. It was this book that inspired me to start this blog.

However, that inspiration has not really helped me to continue blogging. Mostly because what happened to the main character in the book, has in no way happened to me. (Curious? Use your imagination...or read the book). But, I've decided that blogging is good for the soul and after discovering a friend of mine's blog, I was re-inspired to keep doing this. 

That being said, I've completed another semester of college. College has not been the 'best place ever where I'd meet tons of friends' as I'd been promised. I'm not sure if that's my fault or what, but looking back I'm still so very grateful that God placed me where He did.

Freshman year was a growing year. Looking back my life resembled a soap opera more than anything else mostly because I discovered that boys did not, in fact, think I was gross, but in fact seemed to like me...a lot of different boys actually which was a wonderful dilemma at first, but ended up causing some train wrecks in the end. I kept a journal back then and reading back through it...let's just say no one will EVER be allowed to read it. lol But it is good for making me laugh at my own ridiculousness. If I could go back, I don't think I'd change anything because I learned a ton about myself and about others. But I do wish I would've handled some things differently; jumped on some friendship opportunities that I let slip by, joined in on more campus activities...

Freshmen year set me on a course that I had a hard time getting off of. I had a few close friends, but didn't really feel like I knew that many people on campus, something that drove me absolutely crazy because I love hanging out with people. I love picking on people, love hearing their stories, love having them laugh at the dumb things I say, and didn't really feel like I had many people I could just be myself with. 

Last year most of my close friends either graduated or left and so I was lost, not sure how to break into a new friend group and spending most weekends in my room. It was terrible and I was left constantly wondering how I could be myself, the self that my friends at home seemed to love, but no one at college ever got to see. 

I'm not really sure what changed this year...God definitely worked in my life this past summer; putting me in leadership positions I never thought I would have and showing me that I didn't have to be the quiet, shy girl in the corner. And that carried on to this year. I've made many new friends, some that I wish I would've met years ago. It took me stepping out of my comfort zone, trusting that even if people didn't like me I was content with who God made me to be. And this past semester was fun! I found people who don't take me seriously and have too much fun picking on me (something that I love, by the way). I found friends who I could share my fears with and friends who I could laugh hysterically over the tiniest things with. I met people who's views on life were vastly different than mine and made me look at the world a little differently. I laughed more and I said "hi" more when meeting people on the sidewalk. And it only happened when I let go of 'me', my fears of what others would think, and clung to the truth that God made me exactly the way He wanted. :)