Saturday, October 23, 2010

Nothing Ordinary

Ordinary...Such a boring word really, lacking zest and energy. Yet, so often I long for it. I long to get married, to have kids, to live an ordinary life with a picket fence in my front yard.
How long does it take to get to the point where you can truly and fully be satisfied with God, not His blessings. Marriage would be a huge blessing, and I would be lying if I said I didn't want it. It seems every time I get on facebook another one of my friends is engaged. Their pictures make my heart melt. They're holding hands, running through a flowered field. He leans over to kiss her cheek looking at her like she's the most precious thing in the whole world. And I smile...and then my heart breaks. Because I want that so much. I want a guy who will look at me like that, who longs to spend time with me. And I question why I don't have that. What is wrong with me?
And then I'm gently reminded that I do have that. There's someone who's madly pursing me. Who gives things to me daily that he hopes will make me smile. Who loves me with a love beyond my comprehension. Who will NEVER leave me. Who has the wisest advice. Who will never let me down. The God who created the world, loves me...ordinary me. And because of that love, I'm extraordinary.

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